10 Excuses not to Have a Portrait Experience... And 10 Great Comebacks
Of course we have all heard of having a professional photo shoot, imagined to ourselves what it would be like to feel like a model for just one day, or imagined ourselves on the cover of our favourite magazine. Maybe you know someone who has been brave enough to stand in front of the camera (- and she lived to tell the tale 😉😉) and as she tells you about it you think to yourself all the reasons you could never do that.
You are not alone. Often we make up excuses not to do things, even while we secretly think how much we would like to. In fact, I bet you can relate to at lest three of the top 10 excuses I hear for not having a photo shoot yourself.
1. I’m not photogenic
2. I don’t need photos of myself
3. I’m too old
4. I need to loose weight
5. I’m not pretty enough to have my photo taken
6. It’s too expensive
7. What if what i want doesn’t match with what Amelia wants
8. I don’t have anything to wear
9. I’m too busy, I’ll do it later
10. I don’t see the point
Do you see any of your favourite excuses on the list?
But in reality, there is not one good reason listed above to not treat yourself to an amazing Portrait Experience - an experience that will boost your self-confidence, self-esteem and leave you feeling empowered.
Let’s take a look at the list again and see if I can scratch of some excuses and change them into great reasons to do something great for yourself!
I’m not Photogenic!
This made number one for a reason - it is often the very first thing someone will say to me when I tell them that I am a portrait photographer. But you want to know a secret, no one is photogenic. It is not a trait we are born with. This is something you are taught and guided through by me, the photographer.
Together we will work on getting you relaxed in front of the camera, and then I will guide you through poses that will flatter your body. In addition I play with and shape the light in ways that show off your favourite features and hides anything you would rather not show. I guaranteed that will the right guidance you will be amazed by how “photogenic” you become.
I don’t need photos of myself
Let’s be entirely honest, we don’t actually need that many things in life, but sometimes it is good to have them.
Now, if you were to go through the photos on your phone, how many of them are of you? Are the mostly of your children? Your partner? Your pets? Or is it about food and holidays for you? And what do all of these photos serve? They are memories of events, of places and of emotions. Now where are you? What will your loved ones find when they go looking for photos of you? What will you find?
So, having visual memories of yourself is just as important as those other things you love - it shows that you also love yourself. A Portrait Experience can awaken so much self-esteem as you look at yourself with love and in a new light. And imagine the confidence you can have everyday when you walk out the door after you look at your stunning portrait on the wall.
Or, you can take the experience and hold it safe in your memory while you gift your photo to your family and loved ones.
I’m too old!
Put simply - NO YOU’RE NOT. You’re never too old to Celebrate YOU!
““You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, fabulous at fifty and irresistible for the rest of your life”
Every person, at every age is beautiful. Period.
Growing older is a reason to be celebrated, not a reason to hide away. I believe that we should celebrate our lives at every age, celebrate our achievements, celebrate our wins! Can you imagine the legacy you create as a gift to your loved ones if you had tangible proof of your life via photographs.
I need to loose weight
How long until you reach your goal weight? Okay, maybe you are working towards it already, and maybe you’re going to book a celebratory Portrait Experience as a reward for reaching your goal, in which case - that’s Awesome!
But if you haven’t started, or you don’t really want to, then have a look through my gallery online and you will see that there is no “ideal” weight for anyone to have a photo shoot. You’ll notice that there is no ideal height or shape either. We come in an amazing array of designs, no two of us are alike (unless you’re an identical twin, and even then....). Don’t let someone else’s idea of what is an ideal body shape stop you from doing something great for yourself and helping you to see that your body is the ideal body for you!
Plus, I’m good for trimming 5-10 kilos simply through the way I pose and light you.
I’m not pretty enough to have my photo taken
What are you saying? Stop that - of course you are!
Let’s face it, we are all are own worst critics, and we are all guilty of ignoring compliments to focus on our imperfections: someone tells us we have a beautiful smile, and we comment on our forehead wrinkles.
Allow someone else to show you how those who love you see you, and look at yourself with love.
It’s too expensive
Yes, it does cost to have a Portrait Experience with me - it is an investment. My clients come to me for top-notch products and services. My job is to create stunning photos that my client will love - if I don’t fulfil that task, they won’t buy them. I create the portraits - it’s up to the clients to determine what they invest.
When you consider whether it is worth investing in yourself, take a few moments to compare the cost of the Portrait Experience to some other things: a couple of monthly payments on your new phone, a new pair of shoes, the new outfit you bought to go to the party/wedding/dinner last week. None of these other things will be permanent. Your Portrait Experience is a legacy for yourself to look back on again and again.
What if what I want doesn’t match with what Amelia wants?
The Portrait Experience is not about the photographer - it is about YOU. It is about how YOU want to be photographed, how YOU want to see yourself.
And, if you want to try out a different style - no worries! I love vintage vibe photo shoots. Do you want to see yourself as pin-up girl, no problems. Love cosplay - what fun! Do you want something romantic? Something floral? Something powerful? You are the guide to how you want to be photographed, I am the one who helps bring the vision to life!
I don’t have anything to wear
What? You don’t have anything in your wardrobe? Your drawers? Yes, I know what they are really referring to, but you don’t have to purchase anything new, famous label or be in a ball gown to be photographed. You can be photographed in what you like to wear - jeans and t-shirt, summer dress, or you can choose to glam it up. Maybe you want something a little more risqué - beautiful lingerie might be your thing, or a single white sheet. Perhaps you could use the photo shoot to justify the dress you’ve had your eye on but didn’t know where you’d wear it. Maybe you can borrow something from your best friend, sister or daughter. Or rent. The list is quite endless... Remember the Portrait Experience is about YOU, and what you wear is part of that.
I’m too busy, I’ll do it later
Really? I mean really? How many times do we say that to ourselves? And how many times do we forget? You can always find time to do what you want to do. Any you should be taking some time out just for you. The Portrait Experience is a moment to take for yourself. The dishes can wait a day, the grocery shop can be delayed, the kids can go to a friend’s house for the day, and you can relax for a few hours as you are pampered and photographed so you can step back out into your world with a new found confidence in yourself and a refreshed feeling.
I don’t see the point
Okay, but you did read this far into the article, so perhaps you have a small inkling that there is a point, maybe you are just looking for someone to convince you.
For me the aim of the Portrait Experience is to reveal your light and power that you hold inside you. You are unique, and that is worth celebrating. YOU are worth celebrating. I want to empower you through the art of photography, to multiply your self-confidence and self-esteem and to give you a momento to remember that feeling every time you see yourself looking back at you.
So there you have it. I hope I have helped you swap your excuses for reasons to gift yourself a Portrait Experience. Can you think of any more fantastic reasons?