Title: Portrait Experience Session Prep; subtitle: Welcome to your portrait Experience Client Hub; overlaying side portrait of long-haired red-head in emerald green dress looking at the camera and smiling.
Script writing that reads, "hello Gorgeous" in black, two lines in orange above and below words

I am so excited that you have chosen me to be your portrait photographer! I can’t thank you enough for your business. Whether you are here because you booked a Contemporary Portrait Experience, Personal Branding or a Conceptual Fine Art session, this is a great place to start. We are going to have a brilliant time during your portrait session, I just know it, and I can’t wait!

This Client Hub is a great place to start preparing for your portrait session, and a great referral as you get closer to the day.

let the planning begin!
One of the most helpful things you can do to help me help you create the most amazing portraits you have ever seen of yourself is to create a Pinterest Board for your portrait session. The more you pin, the better it is. Think of this a s a direct line to getting the most out of your portrait session.

If you don’t have a Pinterest Account, and don’t wish to create one, that’s okay too. Just create a folder on your desktop where you can save images and do an image search with google.

How To Share Your Portrait Ideas with Me:

It is so much fun to start thinking about what you want to wear for your portrait session! Your personality is amazing, and your wardrobe choices are one of the key factors to a successful session that reflects your true self.

One of the most important things you can do right now is to write down three to five things you want your portrait wardrobe to say about you. A few that words that may pop into your head are: ‘stylish’, ‘easygoing’, ‘formal’, ‘accomplished’, ‘ethereal’, ‘warm and welcoming’, ‘in-charge’, ‘fun-loving’, ‘adventurous’, ‘romantic’, ‘sexy’ etc…

Once you have thought about what you want your clothes to say about you, download the “Style Guide” and start collecting outfits. Look at your favourite outfits, think about borrowing from friends of family, or renting that amazing dress that you’d probably never wear again. Or, if you’re looking for an excuse, go shopping!

Image is off a smiling blond in a silver dress that is seen through the triangle made by Amelia McLeod's arm (photographer) as she hold a camera up to her face. Title across image reads: Session day Packing list and preparation; Subtitle: session day

Bring your outfits already steamed/ironed and on hangers, this keeps wrinkles to a minimum. It will make it easy to see what collections you have and keeps them together for efficiency.

Don’t forget your accessories! Make sure you have all the correct accessories you need for each of your outfits - jewellery, correct colour bras, strapless bras, “sticky boobs”, belts, scarves, hats, jackets and shoes (if you want to bring them).

Come with clean, dry hair if you are having it styled.

Wear something comfortable to your session - make it something easy to remove without messing up your makeup and hair after styling.

Arrive on time - plan enough time to get to the studio, and drive carefully.

Image of printed photos of a blond woman's portrait (wearing a floral kimono and laughing at the camera) sitting in a display box on the floor with flowers scattered around. title reads: After your Portrait Session

Viewing your high-end retouched images (just like you’d see in a magazine!)

The joy won’t end at the Portrait Experience! You will return to the studio a few weeks later to view your portraits where you will have the opportunity to purchase the images you love. There are no locked in costs, only purchase what you want. Click on the link below to view the Product Menu, Pricing and Product Guide for your Portrait Experience:

Image of a question mark with the words "any questions" which sits above a banner reading: Have any questions? Just email me and I';; be happy to answer them for you
  • No, the final purchase decisions are made after you’ve seen your images. However, knowing beforehand which products you’re drawn to will help me to create exactly what you want.

  • At least 25 images from your shoot will be presented to you.

  • No. The idea is that I take images so incredibly gorgeous that you want to buy them. You only buy the images you love, so what you decide to spend is up to you.

  • Signature retouching will be provided for the images you order.

  • You can pay by direct deposit, cash or credit card.

  • You can pay in full, or with a payment plan: either four 25% monthly payments (including deposit) with no processing fees, or extend your payments as long as you need (with a $100 per month minimum and deposit of 15%) and pay a processing fee of $5 per payment.

  • Turnaround is 2-6 weeks after payment has been made in full.

Frequently Asked Questions